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SIAS hosts seminar on President Xi’s contribution at UN summits


On September 29, 2015, the SIAS co-hosted a seminar to evaluate President Xi’s recent visit to the UN. The meeting was co-organized by the Shanghai UN Research Association, the Shanghai Association of International Relations and the international department of the Jiefang Daily.

During his stay in New York, President Xi attended the UN Sustainable Development Summit, co-hosted the “2015 Global Women’s Summit”, and gave a speech at the General Debate of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. In his first speech delivered in the UN as Chinese President, he pledged to seek “common and sustainable development” and build up cooperative, mutually beneficial partnerships. 

Experts and scholars from several local universities and research institutes reached conclusions on the significance and effects of President Xi’s presence at the UN. They also delved into China’s peacekeeping efforts, South-South Cooperation and women issues.

Professor Pan Guang, President of the Shanghai UN Research Association, moderated the discussion. Acknowledging President Xi’s achievements at the UN, he suggested that China attach more importance to the role of UN in its foreign policy as the nation increases its global influence.