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SIAS hosts seminar on the conservation of the Southern Ocean


The SIAS teamed up with Greenovation: Hub, an environmental NGO based in Beijing, and jointly hosted a seminar on the conservation of the Southern Ocean on November 19, 2015. 

Hu Hua, Executive Director of the SIAS, Sun Haiyong and Long Fei, two research fellows at the SIAS, attended the meeting. Chen Jiliang, a researcher at Greenovation: Hub and Keith Reid, Science Manager, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), made speeches. 

Tang Jianye, a professor at Shanghai Ocean University, Huang Hongliang and Liu Qin from East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, and Li Li, a reporter at Ta Kung Pao, were also present at the meeting.

Reid introduced the history of the CCAMLR, and how it works. Taking krill fishing as an example, participants looked into Antarctic krill research and talked about how to strike a balance between krill protection and market development. Marine Protected Areas around the Antarctic, China’s marine resources exploration and strategic development in the polar regions were also among the topics being discussed. 

Filled with field stories, the meeting was an effort to engage both NGOs and academic organizations in debate on Antarctic issues, an approach that is believed to faciliate China’s effort to build a strong national presence in the polar region.