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SIAS launches Crisis Management and Anti-Terrorism Research Center


On June 18, 2015, the SIAS organized a seminar on Adjustments and Trends in US Counter-Terrorism Strategy. During this event the institute announced the establishment of its Crisis Management and Anti-Terrorism Research Center. Over 20 experts and scholars from counter-terrorism departments and related research institutes attended this meeting. 

They are from the National Counter-Terrorism Office, the Shanghai Counter-Terrorism Research Center, the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Fudan University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and the Northwest University of Political Science and Law (NUPSL). The Anti-Terrorism Research Institute at NUPSL also brought a congratulation letter and signed a cooperation memorandum with our newly established center.

Li Wei, Director of Institute of Security and Arms Control Studies, CICIR, and Zheng Qihang, Director of Research, National Counter-Terrorism Office, delivered keynote speeches on the current situation of domestic and international counter-terrorism. Zhang Jinping, Vice President of the Anti-Terrorism Research Institute, NUPSL, Pan Guang, Chair Expert for China-SCO International Judicial Exchange and Cooperation Training Center, Yan Kejia, Director of Institute of Religious Studies, SASS, and Xu Yihua from Fudan University contributed to engaging discussions at the meeting. Participants also shared insights on how the center can facilitate research and establish itself as a trusted source of analysis for policymakers.