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The SIAS Crisis Management and Counter-Terrorism Research Center sets its agenda for 2016


On December 8, 2015, the Crisis Management and Counter-Terrorism Research Center at the SIAS held a meeting to discuss the center’s work plans for 2016. Seven counter-terrorism experts from Fudan University, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai International Studies University, East China University of Science and Technology and the Shanghai Counter-Terrorism Research Center (SCTRC) attended the meeting.

Experts from the SCTRC introduced the latest developments in the war on terror at home and abroad, and the particular challenges for China in the nation’s effort to combat terrorism. How to fight urban terrorism and protect China’s overseas interests in this regard were also among the topics being discussed. In view of the need for terrorism research in China and the international community at large, experts offered constructive advice on what the center can contribute in 2016. Taking into account the strengths and limits of the newly established center, participants also proposed long-term goals the center can work on. 

It was agreed that the center should focus on the most pressing issues in the battle against terrorism at home and abroad. While promoting international academic exchange, the center should also aim to facilitate and generate high quality research and analysis. With help and support from various individuals and organizations, the center is committed to building a platform for counter-terrorism studies and providing better consulting services for the central government.