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Martin Wolf joins SIAS roundtable on globalization


On March 20, 2019, SIAS jointly held a roundtable focused on globalization together with the Shanghai Development Research Foundation (SDRF). Martin Wolf, associate editor and chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, London, attended the meeting and made a keynote speech titled “From Liberal Order to Global Disorder: What’s Next? ”. In the speech, Mr. Wolf probed into the second wave of globalization ranging from the end of the 1970s to date from six aspects: the rise and fall of globalization, the emergence of China, the recession in the West, a looming new Cold War, the current trade dispute and an ever dangerous world. He also shared his understanding of globalization and its future development with detailed statistics and diagrams.

Experts from local research and consulting institutions, including the SDRF, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) and the PwC, joined SIAS research staff at the meeting. Those whom participated exchanged their views with Mr. Wolf on the China-US trade dispute, how Western countries view China’s rise and the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), among other issues.