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Indian Scholar Geeta Kochhar presents lecture at SIAS


On June 22, 2018, Geeta Kochhar, PhD, who is an assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India and a visiting scholar at Fudan University, visited the SIAS and gave a lecture “the Belt and Road Initiative and China-India Relations”.

Ms. Kochhar’s research focuses on China’s foreign policy toward neighboring countries, urbanization and development processes in China, and nationalism among Chinese youth groups. In her lecture, Ms. Kochhar shed light on how India views the Belt and Road Initiative and the concerns shared by various Indian scholars about the implications and effects of the initiative on India. She also looked into the possibilities of future China-India cooperation on the initiative.

Staff and students from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) and East China Normal University joined the SIAS research staff at the meeting.