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SIAS launches ‘40 People on 40 Years’ project


January 1, 2019 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US. Over the past four decades, China-US relations have evolved from tense standoffs to a complex mix of intensifying diplomacy. While our relations have grown deeper and stronger, a future of healthy competition and cooperation does not come without challenges. It would be exceptionally helpful to take a look back at the lessons of history, particularly the legacies of the past 40 years. It is also crucially important to create a shared vision of bilateral relations defined by mutually beneficial partnership.

To that end, the Shanghai Institute of American Studies, the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, and The Paper have launched the “40 People on 40 Years” project, a series of interviews with renowned experts (20 from each side) who are front-row witnesses to the development of China-US relations. By uncovering their personal journey to China/US studies and the highlights of their impressive careers, we aim to shed light on some behind-the-scenes stories of our diplomatic path, and explore ways to strengthen mutual understanding and enhance collaboration. 

Interviewees include esteemed scholars from universities/think tanks who specialize in and have made widely recognized academic achievements on China-US studies, influential government officials/diplomats/advisors who constitute an authoritative source on the subject, and senior “China/US hands”, mid-career specialists, as well as aspiring representatives from the younger generation. 

Interviews will be conducted by journalists via face-to-face talks, emails or Skype calls. If possible, we would like to make short video clips as a complement to the texts. Reports are expected to be released in the lead up to the 2019 celebrations, with the first batch of stories published on December 16, 2018 (which marks the 40th anniversary of the release of The Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between China and the US). The articles will also be posted on social networking sites.