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SIAS seminar: Xi-Trump Summit and Prospect of China-US Relations


On April 6-7, 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the US at the invitation of President Donald Trump for their first face-to-face meeting. The bilateral summit was rare in history in the sense that it was arranged less than 100 days after a US President took office. At Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, the two leaders exchanged views on China-US relations as well as international and regional issues of the day. 

On April 8, the SIAS held a seminar on the Xi-Trump Summit and the prospect of China-US relations, together with the Center for American Studies (CAS), at Fudan University. Wu Xinbo, President of the SIAS and Director of CAS, moderated the meeting. Academics from several local think tanks attended the meeting, including Fudan University, Tongji University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, and Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. 

Participants shared their interpretation of the Xi-Trump Summit and its implications for the future development of China-US relations. 

The meeting was co-organized by Wenhui Daily and Xinmin Evening News.