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Professor Robert Bianchi gives lecture at SIAS


On January 12, 2016, the Crisis Management and Anti-Terrorism Research Center at the SIAS hosted a lecture titled “China and the Islamic World” delivered by Professor Robert Bianchi from the University of Chicago.

Professor Bianchi addressed in his talk current developments in the Islamic world and analyzed the circumstances in the Middle East by looking into the interests of the world’s great powers in this region. He also shared his views on China’s relations with the Islamic world from the perspectives of the “New Silk Road”. 

After his lecture, Professor Bianchi discussed with his academic colleagues from Fudan University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, East China University of Science and Technology and the SIAS several subjects, such as the situation in Syria, ISIL issues, and the consequences of Saudi Arabia’s cut-off of diplomatic ties with Iran. China’s role in the Middle East and the Xinjiang issues were also addressed.