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SIAS hosts meeting to review De-Dollarization: the Revolt against the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial World Order


Recently, two American scholars from the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS), anAmerican think-tank, published a new book De-Dollarization: the Revoltagainst the Dollar and the Rise of a New Financial World Order, whichattracted widespread attention in the circle of academia. On December 10, 2019,SIAS held a meeting to review the book. Academics and scholars from the ChinaSociety for World Trade Organization Studies (CWTO), the Shanghai Academy ofSocial Sciences (SASS), the Shanghai Institute of Technology, the ShanghaiDevelopment Research Foundation (SDRF), the Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and SIASresearch staff shared their ideas on the main arguments, the writing purpose, theresearch methods and the  practicaleffects of the book.