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SIAS hosts meeting to review its new project ‘Shanghai-US Financial Exchanges’


On November 14, 2018, SIAS held a review meeting for its newly launched project “Shanghai-US Financial Exchanges”, one of the sub-projects of its “Shanghai-US Exchanges” program. The research results will be published as a part of the book series A Century of Shanghai-US Exchanges. In order to provide a historical perspective to future financial relations between Shanghai and the US, the new project seeks to explore the financial exchanges between Shanghai and the US in the period of 1843 to 2010, and to outline the development processes of the two sides’ financial ties.

The project is led by Professor Li Chaomin, chief scholar and vice president at the Institute of Public Policy and Governance (IPPG) of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). Professor Li introduced the writing principles, the framework and the research methods, as well as historical materials available for the project. Academics and experts from Fudan University, the SUFE, the Shanghai Municipal Archives, the Office of Shanghai Chronicles and the Shanghai Financial Committee of the China National Democratic Construction Association (CNDCA) attended the meeting. Those whom participated shared their ideas on a wide range of issues, including the selection and use of historical materials, the division of historical eras and the theme of research, etc. Some participants also gave their suggestions for improvement, such as the need to adopt the oral history into the writing, and to focus on exchanges that occurred within the period of modern history.

Professor Li Chaomin expressed his appreciation to those whom participated for their suggestions on behalf of the project team, and his commitment to improve the design and quality of the project.