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The Almanac of Shanghai-US Exchanges (2019)


This is the fourth consecutive year SIAS has followed and compiledhighlights and key events in bilateral exchanges between Shanghai and the US.This edition includes over a thousand entries about bilateral exchanges,ranging from culture and arts, education, social sciences, foreign affairs,science and technology to healthcare, economy and finance.

In 2019, despite the looming threat of China-US trade frictions anda fragile global economy, Shanghai, under the guidelines of advancing nationalstrategy and local economic and social development, scored prominentachievements in promoting trade and investment cooperation  with the US. In terms of people-to-peopleexchanges, the US has been the second largest source of tourists of Shanghaifor the third consecutive year. To promote the city’s cultural industry, localinstitutions and agencies frequently reached out to American e-sports clubs,art performance management enterprises and big internet corporates. Theseefforts lay a solid foundation for the growth of the city’s cultural businessesand international cooperation. In terms of science and innovation, abundantresources and a flourishing ecosystem for innovation in Shanghai make it attractiveto U.S. tech giants like IBM and Microsoft. These achievements suggest that bothsides benefit from people-to-people exchanges, which meets the common aspirationof people on both sides of the Pacific and is key to stabilizing bilateralrelations.

Many individuals and government agencies have offered their helpwith the compilation of  this book,including Shanghai Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, ShanghaiMunicipal Commission of Commerce, Shanghai Municipal Administration of Cultureand Tourism and Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences.